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Benefits of Working as a Financial Advisor for New Mothers

Working mothers are taking on more responsibilities than ever before, juggling work, home, and children while striving to maintain a healthy lifestyle. While this may seem like an impossible feat, with the help of helpful resources, they can succeed.

The female participation rate in Singapore stood at 63.4% in 2022, showcasing a consistent upward trend over the past decade. This increase reflects evolving societal attitudes and policies supporting women’s participation in the workforce. (Source: MOM Labour Force in Singapore 2022)

Despite this progress, a participation gap between genders emerges as women enter their 30s, primarily due to childcare and family responsibilities. This trend underscores the importance of supportive workplace policies and initiatives aimed at enabling work-life balance for women at different life stages.

The median age of working women in Singapore was recorded at 41.9 years in 2022, indicating a diverse workforce across various age groups. This statistic emphasizes the valuable contributions of experienced professionals to the labor market and underscores the significance of age-inclusive policies and practices. (Source: MOM Labour Market Statistics)

In this article, we will explore the benefits that a financial advisory career can offer to new mothers and provide tips on how to maximize these opportunities.

Why New Mothers Choose to Become Financial Advisors

Many new mothers choose to become financial advisors after their children are born and are often praised for their dedication to their children and home life. As a financial advisor, you’ll be able to spend more time with your children compared to a traditional 9-5 job.

Working from home can give you the flexibility to work when it’s convenient for you and your child. You’ll also get to enjoy a more flexible work schedule that allows for more hours of sleep. Nursing your child during work hours can free up time for you and allow you to devote more attention to your job. You can also take breaks during work so that you can nurse your child.

Being a financial advisor can mean being able to work from home. Working from home can provide many benefits not just for working mothers but also for their family members. By doing this, self-employed mothers can stay home while their children go to school and take care of household duties; this cuts down on the amount of time both parents spend at work.

Additionally, if both parents work and earn an income, the burden of earning money to support the family is not placed solely on one parent. So, raising children can become a shared responsibility as both parents will have the capacity to do so. If only one parent is employed, there is always the possibility that one parent may focus exclusively on taking care of their children while the other works full-time.

Work can also offer many other benefits for new mothers, such as:

  • Increased financial security
  • Independence
  • Better healthcare
  • More opportunities to meet new people

Although having a fulfilling and enriching career is always a good thing, it’s important to maintain a healthy work-life balance to ensure that you’re not burning yourself out.

What does work-life balance look like for a working mother?

Working mothers often face unique challenges when it comes to balancing work and family. To find the job that is right for you, it’s important to understand work-life balance. In the United States, for example, work-life balance varies depending on whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a working mother, as being a stay-at-home mother is considered a full-time job.

That being said, in general, working mothers should try to set time aside for themselves to unwind and relax, at least 2 hours each day. This relaxation time should be used to care for one’s own needs. It is important to make time for yourself when most of your time is spent working and taking care of children. It can be challenging to do this, but with some planning and effort, it is certainly achievable.

Managing your life as a Working Mother

Working mothers often find it especially difficult to juggle work and family time. As a mother, especially new mothers, you want to spend as much time with your children as possible. It can be very distressing when you feel that you are not giving enough attention to your children as a mother, which can lead to negative effects on your mental health. But don’t worry, there are ways for working mothers to manage their lives to maintain a sustainable working mother’s life.

There are a few ways that mothers can do this while working. Some ways include:

  • Finding an activity that you enjoy and stay interested in during your work hours
  • Networking with other professionals in your field or industry that are in similar situations to you
  • Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally (including eating healthy foods, exercising, and reducing stress)
  • Setting realistic expectations for your work schedule and career goals
  • Being supportive and available to help out friends and family members when needed
  • Asking for support from friends and family in difficult times

If you’re looking for a job that offers plenty of benefits, being a financial advisor is an excellent option. In addition to giving you the freedom to work when you want, you can also take advantage of the many hours they may be able to squeeze in. By increasing your productivity and managing your time well, you can make the most of your career while still maintaining a work-life balance.


Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, but no liability will be accepted for any loss or inconvenience caused by errors or omissions. The information and opinions presented are offered in good faith and based on sources considered reliable; however, no guarantees are made regarding their accuracy, completeness, or correctness. The author and publisher bear no responsibility for any losses or expenses arising from investment decisions made by the reader.

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